Why does everything have to be banned or mandated? The risks of cycling are so low that it really doesn't matter whether you wear one or not at the end of the day. Let people make their own minds.
What we really need to do is to stop telling everyone how dangerous cycling is and how they need to armour up and cower in segregated facilities. We need to start to promote the joys and benefits of cycling instead. Compare the British approach to that in the Netherlands.
Transcript of Stockton Borough Council advert on Galaxy FM:
"One day whilst he was cycling to school Timmy saw Daniel with a cycle helmet on. Timmy laughed at Daniel and said to him: "Look at you with your helmet on, you big 'nana!" Daniel felt bad, but he went on wearing his cycle helmet anyway. The very next day Timmy saw Daniel wearing his helmet again and began to laugh out loud. Then, all of a sudden, a car came round the corner and knocked them both to the ground. Bounce! went Daniels helmet on the kerb. Smash! went Timmy's fragile head. Splosh! went his brains as they spewed onto the path. Oh dear! Timmy wasn't laughing any more. Timmy would never laugh again."
Dutch cycling video:
]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHIOGA2dDSY[/media]
Which do you think is more likely to make people want to cycle and which put them off?