It's probably adequate, however it may not be at the right time to be most effective.My protein intake is routinely something like a piece of chicken breast or a chicken kiev or three pork sausages at about five meals a week along with a ham salad sandwich at lunchtimes. I'm wondering if this is sufficent and whether a protein supplement would help.
Since switching to a ketogenic diet, it's made all those problems go away for me. Beer gut gone; faster up hills; no more burning legs due to not bonking anymore; faster recovery after rides.
About the only downside is not being able to eat cake or drink much beer any more.
i use one every weekday ( with water ) they taste fine but ride 15miles to work 5 days a week have a bowel cearal and one of these ( my fav are the banna or superberry) and fine it helps ease the aches for my day at work.You may be right on the lactose overload; last time I took one mixed with milk it hung around in my stomach for hours and I kept burping strawberry flavour.
Back to the whey protein... any suggestions?
as in 30 miles a day 5 days a week and long rides if i can convince SWMBO and get her to have the little guy a bit moreAs in you do 30 miles per day round trip?
If you mean a 15 mile round trip daily and are finding you need to supplement, it might be an idea to have a look at your base nutrition. TBH, even at 30 miles a day, I would be tempted to knock it on the head.
Unless you're doing serious training in those 30 miles then you shouldn't need more than normal dietary intake protein. Even if you're doing serious training, then you'll only be moving your basic dietary intake to a more appropriate time (e.g. right after exercise).as in 30 miles a day 5 days a week and long rides if i can convince SWMBO and get her to have the little guy a bit more