Yeah, I wouldn't put too much store in having a high score on an IQ test.
I recall doing a management course some decades ago(I'm now retired) and people were warned off recruiting folk with high IQ scores on the basis that they would make malcontented employees due to low boredom threshold etc. At a personal level people can back away when they hear someone has a high IQ score as they are either intimidated or think the people will be bores etc.
Do you realy want something that can put you at a disadvantage when looking for either a job or a mate
I recall doing a management course some decades ago(I'm now retired) and people were warned off recruiting folk with high IQ scores on the basis that they would make malcontented employees due to low boredom threshold etc. At a personal level people can back away when they hear someone has a high IQ score as they are either intimidated or think the people will be bores etc.
Do you realy want something that can put you at a disadvantage when looking for either a job or a mate