Awesome thread. Got a good one to add. Cleaning out the garage last weekend for an N+1 and my wifes new bike, and there were some bags at the back I had shoved in last summer before we had some building work done on the house. The usual electrical leads, old things, odds and sod all in various plastic bags. There was, however, one black bag. Very odd, we don't keep stuff in black bags as I've been known to throw out needed items before (
) so what was in this? Well, I picked it up.... and it split, spilling its contents all over the floor. We dont put food waste in black bags, that gets recycled locally, but I should add that we have a 2 year old son, who as you can guess, was filling nappies with some regularity back then...
So, the bag split and dumped everywhere. First thing I noticed was the brown goo slopping all about, then the smell hit me. I guess it had been contained in the nappy sacks and black bag... but now it was free...
I have never moved so quickly in my life. It was terrible, like nothing I had ever smelt before. I still can smell it in my mind today. Tears.