welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Life of Pi. The most hard going and boring book on the planet. They even made it Into a film
It's about 55 years since I read it. I think that I enjoyed it at the time.Lord of the Flies. If I had a Time Machine, I would go back in time, train a small carnivorous dinosaur and then bring it forwards in time to eat W Golding, in 1952.
Not a book, but any of my own short stories!
I love writing them and initially think they're great (sometimes)... but reading any of them six or twelve months later, utter garbage.
Anything by Shakespwpeare.
How the hell do these know-it-alls have any idea what all this hidden meaning bollards within Shakespeare's works is all about? It's not like he told them.
Life of Pi. The most hard going and boring book on the planet. They even made it Into a film
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance.
Utter codswallop, but a 'must read' for a mid-teens boy back in the 70's.
Lord of the Flies. If I had a Time Machine, I would go back in time, train a small carnivorous dinosaur and then bring it forwards in time to eat W Golding, in 1952.
The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin - some king of SciFi thing. So bad I had to read it twice just to be sure