Words that you or others struggle to pronounce

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I seem to have problems saying things with a combination of r and l in them. Royal Artillery is almost impossible unless I say it really slowly. :laugh:
When I posted to the Far East, the letter R was not in their vocabulary. It was always replaced with the letter L. So rice became lice. So you ended confirming that you ordered Fried Lice to the service staff. In the sub continent the R was over emphasised like Rrrr. So rice became rrrrice.


I struggle with "sub judice" despite (a) learning Latin in school and (b) using the phrase quite a lot. I'm still convinced I'm saying it slightly wrong, although nobody has laughed yet.
I have same sense with some words that I avoid using them at all cost. No longer have the confidence. I once said the word "woman" and got a laugh. "Women", the plural is fine.


I found much later that Melbourne was pronounced Melburn and Brisbane was Brisburn.

Finance and feenance is another one.


Legendary Member
South East
Moving as I do in somewhat wholefoodista circles , I too, like you, gain a modicum of sport from deliberately mispronouncing it 'kwinoer'

Just to give others the chance to correct me.

"It's keenwah" :rolleyes:

Bit of a niche sport , I'll grant you, but hey you've gotta get your fun where you can, right ??

😂😂 Ahh, another another Cad in the world of purposeful mispronunciation!

It never fails to spark my infernal wit to provoke public correction in this modern world of individuality and oversight for perfection and correction by others.



Rohan Man
Bugbrooke UK

Quick straw poll in the office highlighted that I wasn't the only one.

How many variations?

I'm aware of three:
  1. Emphasis on the Tri as in Trident
  2. Trib-unal emphasis on the first four letters like in the Labour left's Tribune Group
  3. Tribunial, which seems like a straight mispronunciation.
I tend to go for 2. as it correctly reflects the meaning; derived from the Latin Tribune - of the people.

1. tends to give weight to the misconception that a Tribunal should be composed of three members. While some are (Employment, some Social Security) others have a single member and a few have 4+.
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Obviously an Aubergine
😂😂 Ahh, another another Cad in the world of purposeful mispronunciation!

It never fails to spark my infernal wit to provoke public correction in this modern world of individuality and oversight for perfection and correction by others.


After struggling with 'millenium' for near on nine months..

I gave up.

And reverted back to what is so much easier for me to say 'Minellium .

And continue to do, so to this day.

Much to the delight of the 'compulsive correctors'

Yikes that's 21 years ago now ..

Flippy neck!! :blink:


Obviously an Aubergine
The other day, my German farm help typed the vernacular 'I couldn't be @rsed'

in a WhatsApp message as

'I couldn't be asked'

I'm glad I checked that she knew for sure what she was saying.

Turns out she had misheard it as 'asked'

So thankfully she now knows, that there are certain situations where you might not proclaim your unwillingness to participate, in quite such colourful terms :whistle:
  • Laugh
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Obviously an Aubergine
We had a sweep who pronounced the thing he was sweeping as chimbley. Cracked me up every time he said it!

We had a sheep shearer who kept talking about the soft shoes they habitually wear to stop the fleeces being damaged as they work, as 'mossacins'

I'm afraid we were such awful people that we kept trying to bring them into the conversation to see who could get the highest 'mossacin' score..

Truly dreadful behaviour I know :angel:
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