Andy in Sig said:
The skirting is brand new and the floors are of cement (under floor heating) so I think it is not an issue. It is interesting that they are in the wood for a couple of years before emerging. I noticed that the table leg in question in made up of three lengths of timber joined together so if I am lucky it is only one part of one leg that is affected. I'm just going to do daily checks from now on.
Does anybody know if the time they emerge is seasonal i.e. this time of year?
It could be that the timber was attacked whilst it was still a tree so to speak, so depending on how old the piece of timber before it was used in the furniture.
Being made up of "laminted" timber might be an issue as one of the "laminates" might be more "sappy" and softer than the others and the beetle can attack this much easier. Also depends on what glue is used to stick them together. Not so much an issue these days, but if you've got any furniture, or joinery work, over 60/70 years old its probably being held together with "animal" glue which all the types of woodworm love to munch on.
As for seasonal, they aren't. They can appear at any time, though they will slow down in the cold.