Wooden Coat Hangers - Which Way Round - ? !

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'Proper' wooden coat hangers have a curve with the forward part of the curve facing the front of the hung garment being the usual way of using one.
However, when I was doing my basic training in 1974, our kindly drill sergeant; former Grenadier Guards, was tutoring us on bulling our kit ( yes, he was a decent bloke when the mood took him - ! :laugh: ) and his view was that when one stood 'properly' ( chest out, shoulders back lad - ! ) then the curve of said coat hangers should reflect this, so we were 'advised' to reverse our coat hangers for tunics, shirts etc..
This is something that I've done automatically ever since and it puzzles shop staff when I've been trying on coats - ! But was this a 'one off', or have any other former squarebashers experienced this bit of advice - ? :whistle:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
The hook goes at the top.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
'Proper' wooden coat hangers have a curve with the forward part of the curve facing the front of the hung garment being the usual way of using one.
However, when I was doing my basic training in 1974, our kindly drill sergeant; former Grenadier Guards, was tutoring us on bulling our kit ( yes, he was a decent bloke when the mood took him - ! :laugh: ) and his view was that when one stood 'properly' ( chest out, shoulders back lad - ! ) then the curve of said coat hangers should reflect this, so we were 'advised' to reverse our coat hangers for tunics, shirts etc..
This is something that I've done automatically ever since and it puzzles shop staff when I've been trying on coats - ! But was this a 'one off', or have any other former squarebashers experienced this bit of advice - ? :whistle:

Ludicrous Sar'nt Major posture. Damages the spine.


Choose from the following answers:

1. What does a sergeant major know about tailoring?
2. Who cares anyway (first world problem)?
3. Ignore me, I've never been a square basher except in the girl guides
4. The curve of the shoulder is forward so the hanger should be too - it's irrelevant which was squaddies' chests point...


Girl from the North Country
Choose from the following answers:

1. What does a sergeant major know about tailoring?
2. Who cares anyway (first world problem)?
3. Ignore me, I've never been a square basher except in the girl guides
4. The curve of the shoulder is forward so the hanger should be too - it's irrelevant which was squaddies' chests point...

5. I chuck my clothes on the floor and don't need hangers


Firm and Fruity
The curve goes at the back.
It would be madness to do it any other way.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I put jackets, coats, shirts etc on hangers with the curve at the back, apart from when I hang an item on a hanger on various hooks on my walls to air dry. I then put the curve to the front as that way the curve isn't pressing the wet/damp item hard against the wall, where the item could end up being marked due to the pressure of the curve on the clothing item being too much. Yes, then the ends of the hanger where the shoulders of items go touch the wall, but the pressure is less than with the curve touching the wall, due to fairer weight/pressure distribution on two pressure points, rather then just one when the curve touches the wall. 🧐

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
On the subject of such things, I also put toilet rolls with the hanging sheets of paper at the back rather than the front as if you only have one hand available you tend to try and snap the paper off the roll rather then tear it off. Sometimes when you do this the whole roll flies off the toilet roll holder, projecting itself to the other side of the bathroom, leaving you in limbo! If you have the hanging paper at the back and you snap the paper causing the roll to come off the holder it will stop the projection process when it hits the wall meaning it simply falls beneath the toilet roll holder which is close at hand for you.🧐
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