Woman who caused the TDF crash arrested.

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It does continue to annoy me that and sizable amount of the "spectators" are not watching the riders, but grinning and waving to the camera bikes as the race passes by, trying to get their 30 seconds of fame. Typical of the social media generation I'm afraid.
Point of order:
These incidents are nothing to do with social media. They've happened ever since the camera bikes provided decent pictures for television.

The "social media generation" would take selfies and publish them on ... Social Media! :P


East Sussex
Point of order:
These incidents are nothing to do with social media. They've happened ever since the camera bikes provided decent pictures for television.

The "social media generation" would take selfies and publish them on ... Social Media! :P
On the contrary they have much to do with social media in that Instagram et al have encouraged and enhanced to an almost unbelievable degree a narcissistic look-at-me mindset. That this woman was mugging for TV cameras instead of taking a selfie is irrelevant and down to the fact that a selfie - with placard - would have been impossible In the circumstances.
I agree that this sort of thing has been happening for years
normally they get away with it either by luck or some incredible bike gymnastics by a rider - but sometimes a rider hits them and comes off

In my opinion it needs to be made clear that if you watch the race then you have to take some responsibility for your actions and if you do not then you will suffer in some way
People need to be told that they cannot endanger others - dunno why they need to be told - but they do!


It is a particularly egregious example where there is no doubt whatsoever that the spectator is at fault, not just at fault but clearly without any care for the safety of others. It was also stage 1 and in full camera view.
Same as with that policeman in 1994. They did nothing as far as I know.

I'm not surprised .. I suspect they never intended to go through with it. Law suits here can take years and years to resolve.

It doesn't mean that the police won't take any action though.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
I'd say the organisers are responsible for crowd control.

Anyone notice, particularly at the Olympics, there's always some religious nut with a 'John 3:16' sign.


Ridiculous. Just saw this on the news. This gives a green light for other idiots.
And what about all the injuries some suffered.

I'm not sure it does. There was no premeditation or deliberate act from the spectator. She just didn't realise her placard was sticking out into the road as the bikes approached. Equally, the chap who crashed into the sign, had he not tried to avoid it, probably wouldn't have come off his bike. The problem with everyone cycling so close is that as soon as any adverse event happens then you get a domino effect.

Sadly you can't really legislate against stupidity and accidents.
Ridiculous. Just saw this on the news. This gives a green light for other idiots.

And what about all the injuries some suffered.
I don't think this is the case. She didn't mean to cause the crash. She was stupid not malicious. Hopefully the publicity from this will show people how to behave a bit better.

She was lucky she wasn't hurt in the crash. I can't see anyone would be in a hurry to recreate her stunt.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
No they don't. They encourage to come out and support. (and they don't sell tickets, which is nice of them IMO).The vast majority do this safely, several metres away from the riders and the cars that precede/follow them.

The orgs even put barriers up on large sections to keep spectators back. Gendarmes are deployed within the crowd on some sections where barriers aren't practicable. It's pretty clear that they don't want spectators run over by the tour convoy or the riders.
The TdF that I see seems to exist in some kind of parallel reality.....
There was no premeditation or deliberate act from the spectator. She just didn't realise her placard was sticking out into the road as the bikes approached

But she should have realised, i have been to many cycle races as a FAN , i have never to date knocked a rider off or caused a crash or any other type of incident , and guess what , it was really simple to avoid doing it .
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