Don't do the keyhole bit - that's a load of rubbish! It's nowt like it . More like scraping a large imaginary bowl with your forearms.
The timing of your stroke is important, pull - kick - glide, repeat.
Ahhh - Bingo - not " Pull- kick - splutter gasp" Seroiusly though, Just watched a u tube bit and the underwater glide is missing - Just off for a test.
And thanks Arbitrary - I've been searching for avatar inspiration for ages and here it is staring me in the face " Marine Boy" although fish on a bike is more accurate, It feeds my self delusion.
Swimming, so my bulldozer impression isn't good then ?
I have poor technique in the pool...I can swim quite quickly, but it's totally inefficient......I hate these people who glide effortlessly through the water....I'll stick to the bike....
I loved that! Had to chew some Oxygum! And then watched Robinson Crusoe, Double Deckers, Belle and Sebastien, White Horses and Follyfoot...a Youtube nostalgiafest!
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