You want distance and speed, right. My old wired Casio gives me this and also time and average speed. Alongside it is a Garmin which gives me the same data and more. The one I normally mount is a 500 (I bought a spare recently for £40). You can choose how many metrics it displays and which is the 'largest'. You will need other sensors if you want HR, cadence, power - which you don't. The difference (and solves your signal blocking problem from a sensor on one of your rear wheels) is that it derives these data from signals broadcast from satellites (GPS) rather than from the wheel. There is no 'tracking' involved unless you get a fancy one and again no mobile telephony ability unless you buy one with it. Some have touchscreen controls; some are buttons only and some hybrid.
200 has been suggested - go for it (second hand) - ignore the complicated cr@p people are bombarding you with. KISS.