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As I won't have as much opportunity to get out on my bike over the winter, it will spend mot of the time out in the garage where it can be a bit damp and cold.

Are there any things I can do to keep my bike in good condition?

I have cleaned and re-oiled the chain.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
as long as no water is dripping on the bike then it will be fine.
Be worth just giving it a quick wipe down every now and then though.


Senior Member
If its a steel frame you could wax it before you put it away but if its alloy or carbon then I wouldn't bother. Clean the bike then spray the chain set, cassette and derailleurs liberally with gt85 and lube the chain. When you get it back out after the winter give the chain a good wipe and then on the next clean re-lube all the same parts.
Dehumidifier and an old sheet to keep the spider shoot off.


Legendary Member
Smear any plated or polished parts with something greasy/oily, thoroughly polish the painted parts with a long-life car wax such as Auto Balm or Collinite, and make sure you check on it periodically. All mine live in a shed, albeit purpose built, apart from my commuter which lives in the porch so I can be out the door quick in the mornings, nary a problem.


Rural Quebec
This just in: bicycles are made from materials that can only withstand the cold and humidity that exists 50 miles inland and way above sea level so should not be stored any where north of the equator. As a manufacturer of such delicate machinery I suggest you buy a new one every spring as soon as the barometer rises and chuck the old one in a skip as part of May day celebrations.
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