Winter training - core stability exercises

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I just visited my nephew, who has a chin-up bar in his kitchen doorway. I used to be able to easily knock out 20+ chin-ups, but today I had to give up trying to complete chin-up number...

... 1. I need to start doing some upper body exercise! :blush:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I just visited my nephew, who has a chin-up bar in his kitchen doorway. I used to be able to easily knock out 20+ chin-ups, but today I had to give up trying to complete chin-up number...

... 1. I need to start doing some upper body exercise! :blush:
I'm back at home now and have got my old chin-dip station out of storage. Yes, that is confirmed - I cannot even manage one chin-up! Admittedly, I now weigh about 11 kgs*** more than when I was doing chin-ups in the past, but I should still be able to do at least some.

I have come up with a way of measuring progress while I work my way back to being able to do them. I have put my bathroom scales below the chin-up bar and measured how much of my weight I can lift while attempting a chin-up. The answer - approximately 50 kgs***. I will plug away at it until I can pull my entire weight up. I am aiming to lose the surplus 11 kgs, so as I am getting stronger, I will also be getting lighter and that will make things a lot easier.

I am currently about 89 kgs, so 39 kgs short of target, but only 28 kgs short of the projected target.

When I am able to do at least one chin-up I will be able to stop using the scales and work on doing chin-up #2.#3 and so on.

I would also like to do dips and the other exercises that I used to do but I damaged both of my shoulders about 10 years ago and it doesn't take much to make them flare up again so I will have to be very careful. Chin-up forces don't seem to impact on the injured bits.

***Before some smartypants points it out... Yes, I know that MASS is measured in kgs, but you know what I mean!
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