I remember the reveal was that the government had calculated it was marginally better for the economy to employ people to do nothing useful than to let them be unemployed.
The Chinese Government has been doing this for years.
There is no unemployment.
They work on the principal that it is better to pay people to do a job and make stuff that people don't need than pay them to do nothing.
Hence Chinese steel production employs millions.
Making more steel than they can possibly use.
They therefore have started to mass produce steel football stadiums, IKEA flat pack style.
The intention is to build 30,000 (no, not a typo) stadiums in China within the next 15 years
This then becomes the strategic steel reserve.
Should a hostile power cut off the flow of iron ore into China, they will have millions of tonnes of ready processed steel available by simply unbolting a few thousand football stadiums.
As a Brucie bonus, they also will start to produce world class footballers (and football fans).
My money is on China to win the 2030 World Cup.