Hugh Manatee
I will listen to Wiggins telling me to buy a helmet no more than I listen to Murdoch telling me I should buy Sky.
Actually @User it hasn't been answered. At least, not with any logical consistency.
So maybe you can oblige me.
Why, when the risk of head injuries is broadly similar, are helmets only promoted to cyclists, and not pedestrians, drivers, DIYers, and people getting things out of cupboards?
If the risk when cycling is enough to warrant a helmet, why do you not wear one when doing the other activities, even though the risk is in the same ballpark?
yeah but do think Wiggins is a nobber or not???
As previously, I think that he is acting improperly by not declaring his financial interest in promoting helmets
Hardly a real contribution to the debate
"compulsed"... I like it. Not heard it before, must make a mental note!
Ah but could you user "Nobber" in scrabble? as a term for Wiggins!