I bought a Whyte Pimlico just over a month ago. I initially came on this forum asking about a Boardman 8.8 MTX
https://www.cyclechat.net/threads/boardman-mtx-8-8.285959. I spent ages dithering over which one to go for, which sounds like the position you're in. Eventually decided enough. Decided to up my budget as the Whyte had all the requirements I wanted and in particular a good gear ratio as I really struggled to get up hills (Usually having to get off and walk). Also a 1 x drive train as didn't want to be pfaffing around with a front derailleur.
Put at the time, that I was happy with it and still just as happy today. With the gear ratio it is so easy to get up hills. Not found any I can't cope with yet. Quite often ride with a back pack, which must weigh 5-6kg with all the stuff I put in it and still no problems getting up hills.
I'm 5'9 and bought the Medium and this is absolutely fine. I find it gives me a much more upright seating position, which I prefer as I can see better where I'm going and don't have to stretch as much.