Live to Ride
- Location
- Gosport-Hampshire
Did you have yourself checked for concussion each time?
The second one I did. The others were more a pain in the neck literally!
Did you have yourself checked for concussion each time?
it is unqualified statements like this that are eroding my basic human right of choice. there is no, i repeat, there is no evidence to show that styrofoam hats save lives or stop serious head injuries. a styrofoam hat may save a few cuts, bruises and bumps. however, that argument is for other threads, this one is about a numpty who chose to ride like a dick, fell off and got hurt and hurt someone else.
why does his actions affect my CHOICE not to wear a styrofoam hat, which at the moment (precedent set until overturned on appeal) could possibly reduce any payouts by 2/3's.
in effect, the state has said, pay a lobbying company, lot's of dosh, to wear the kings clothing (by wearing a styrofoam hat, people will see a safer cyclist) OR we'll punish you or your loved ones by making your life financially difficult after you've won your case. All this after an accident that wasn't my fault in the 1st place (if it was i wouldn't have been paid out).
I think its your cycling style that needs looking at not American football gear. Four is a ridiculous number of serious accidents to have in a year.
Are you aware that God doesn't exist![]()
A helmet is not designed to make people cycle safer, just as a seat belt is not designed to make you drive safer. Their intention is to prevent or reduce injury should a fall or crash happen.
You claim people not wearing helmets therefore cycle safer, that was not the case in this instance as he was cycling dangerously, therefore the link between helmet wearing and more risk is not apparent in this case.
If as you say wearing a helmet would not have made a difference to how he cycled, the claim of cycling less dangerously without a helmet argument is flawed.
Riding style? Based upon assumption I presume?
I suppose though if I'm travelling around 500 miles per week then I'm bound to find myself in more predicaments than most?
We could find out?
Try banging your head against a wall
Then repeat whilst performing a religious rite
Now repeat performing the rites of various other religions (you may need to find a wall poisitioned so that you are facing Mecca)
Which one hurts less?
500 miles a week? At a fast 20mph average that's 25 hours a week of riding; at 15mph, 33 hours. So at least three and a half hours riding every single day or five hours riding every weekday. How do you find time to do other things like live and work?
No, based on outcomes.
And now you are just being silly. You know the point I was trying to make. How do you know it did not save damage to my head!!! For goodness sakes
How do you prove / disprove divine intervention though?
A little silly I admit, but the culmination of any argument between faith an science must come down to this eventually
And now you are just being silly. You know the point I was trying to make. How do you know it did not save damage to my head!!! For goodness sakes![]()