I think we all agree on that... especially the nobber drivers like a very close relative of mine who criticises cyclists for being on the road instead of on a dedicated cycle track, then criticises them for being on the pavement instead of on the the road

Make yer fecking mind up!!!
But educating drivers shouldn't be instead of creating a decent cycling infrastructure, it should be as well as.... the main problem is they are creating a cycling infrastructure of sorts, but not really addressing the issue of educating drivers.
I suggest all drivers undertake re-training/refresher courses every five years in order to retain their driving licence. These courses should be free, compulsory, and the
syllabus determined by representatives from various groups of road users (utility cyclists, road/race cyclists, horse riders, HGV, PCV, mobility scooters, the Tufty club and so on). How would our driver/cyclists feel about this?