Why is it that the racer boy types hate recumbents and trikes so much

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Leg End Member
I'm a racer boy through and through, albeit in retirement (with a comeback imminent, any decade now) but I still love me a good 'bent downhill race. I attend the 'Bent Downhill World Championship at Fort William each time it comes there.

Cross Country Trike Racing is also on the rise, will be an Olympic sport soon, I bet.

I always say, it's not about the bike.
Well, minor technicalities aside, a trike isn't a bike.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Would they ban a disabled person riding one?
If so that's shocking discrimination...,🤔😲😢
Application of equalities laws to sporting organisations is limited and varies. Many chronically ill people couldn't join BC at all for many years because their vital medications are prohibited by the anti doping rules and there wasn't a way to join without agreeing to obey those rules. I think there is now but it bans you from all racing, but I've not double checked. I've no idea what amateur para-athletes do if they need to take meds that can't be exempted.


Application of equalities laws to sporting organisations is limited and varies. Many chronically ill people couldn't join BC at all for many years because their vital medications are prohibited by the anti doping rules and there wasn't a way to join without agreeing to obey those rules. I think there is now but it bans you from all racing, but I've not double checked. I've no idea what amateur para-athletes do if they need to take meds that can't be exempted.

But as a recreational cyclist I cannot see why you should be banned? A race licence is another thing...


Legendary Member
They dont. Why would you think they do. I have had an ICE trike and 2 recumbents. Nobody has said a bad word against them.

Maybe its you.
Speaking as an upright bike rider, with road bikes although nothing like a "racing type", I see nothing wrong with recumbents at all but I just don't want to ride one and neither do the vast majority of cyclists. Not wanting to ride one is not the same as hating them. I don't want to ride a unicycle or a fixie but certainly don't hate them.

How does this "hate" manifest itself, or is this just an extension of the op's earlier post where he is critical of the UCI not recognising them in its competitions?

Just ride the bikes you like and stop obsessing about hatred...unless it involves something tangible that causes danger to you on your chosen means of transport.
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Not at all. I for instance attended the Coors Classic bike races for years. They were only about 500 miles from home.

Have to say I agree with @screenman as that's what your original post looks like.
I rode a low racer bent for a while and never came across any negativity from other cyclists, far from it in fact.
Speaking as an upright bike rider, with road bikes although nothing like a "racing type", I see nothing wrong with recumbents at all but I just don't want to ride one and neither do the vast majority of cyclists. Not wanting to ride one is not the same as hating them. I don't want to ride a unicycle or a fixie but certainly don't hate them.

I ride recumbent bike, upright bike and Brompton. I think I'd like to give most bike tpoes a go but I'll stick with what I've got as they fulfil my needs.

I've tried a unicycle, off-road one, but it's not easy to learn off-road so I called it a day. The guy who owned it was amazing rider of his unicycle. Not bad for a just below knee amputee.

I've never ridden a fixed, it kind of scares me the idea that I might be stuck going downhill with the pedals flying round because I was not fit enough to stick with the rpm needed! I do fancy having a go.

Nothing wrong with trying cycle types out of curiosity. However, doesn't mean I'll ever own them all.

One thing I'll not try, competitive cycling! Never had any interest. Perhaps someone on a racing forum is asking why do recumbentists hate us racer boys? Reading the OP it could seem be a valid question!
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