Why Drivers Can't See Cyclists!

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
an interesting read that Chris... thinks for digging it up.

i'm off to buy some pop-corn and shall return to this thread later, when it hots up a tad :thumbsup:


Nr Cambridge
A nice article, but it's nothing new. Everything in there was taught to me in AD courses & tuition. One thing that was missed is a lot of drivers don't actually scan the road they're joining until they're about to turn into it. By starting to look for vehicles as you're approaching a junction is makes it much, much harder to miss movement. Obviously you can't do this at every junction, but if you get into the habit of looking pre-arrival then you become more aware that you're coming up to a junction with reduced vision.


Legendary Member
Interesting, but old hat.

Car drivers don't see us cus they don't look properly, if at all. Well duh!

One serious oversight in the discussion about visual processing and judging a vehicles speed. Anyone spot bit?


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Had to brake to avoid this tw4t pulling out a few days ago. He was driving a big white Audi. Did he apologise? Not a bit of it. I mean, how hard is it to see a white transit-sized van?


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
There's also the 'motion camouflage' phenomenon as described in Bike magazine in 2005.

Sometimes the SMIDSY is genuine.


Legendary Member
Yep, the prize goes to Vernon who more or spotted the missing piece of very important data. There's a little bit more to it than that if anyone fancies a bonus point?


There's also the 'motion camouflage' phenomenon as described in Bike magazine in 2005.

Sometimes the SMIDSY is genuine.

It is and I have experienced it myself in that I've pulled out onto a roundabout or entered a junction when I certainly shouldn't have. Not often thankfully, no more than three or four times in forty years of driving, and none of them resulted in damage or injury. None of them involved bikes either, I'm glad to say, but that's only luck.
I think there is a Terry Pratchet quote that would apply here though I forget its exact nature; it goes along the lines of the fact that there is a difference between "looking" and "seeing".

Found it “Open your eyes and then open your eyes again.” ― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men (Discworld, #30). Never has it applied as well to drivers seeing cyclists (or motorcyclists).

Most of advanced level driving falls between observation and perception/hazard awareness and that is what make the biggest difference with people's driving. Regretfully it is woefully lacking in the 'standard' driving test IMO.
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