Quite dreadful
- Location
- lost somewhere
There are two sorts of non cycling women: those who have never cycled and those who have given it up. I didn't start cycling until I was in my late twenties. Right now as you seem to be aware I am having qualms about continuing to cycle, so yes I think I might be able to relate to both types.
We could also divide non-cycling women another way, those that don't want to cycle, and those that want to cycle yet don't. Probably no one here can relate to the former, but everyone (male and female) have felt the pressure to stop cycling, and even though we have resisted it, we understand why someone might have given into it.
No one wants to be lying on the tarmac, nearly under the wheels of a Prius in Kensington after midnight. But I think it has a extra frisson of danger that I am a woman, and it is men in the car that hit me standing over me trying to bully me into not calling the police, men who run over in response to my screams, it's a policeman who stumbles on the scene. Every person involved could have physically restrained me, hurt me or worse. Sure, the policeman and the bystanders would have almost certainly stood up for me, but I don't want to rely on the kindness of strangers. And the next time, if there are no bystanders and passing police? I don't want to be in that situation again and the best way to avoid it involves 4 wheels, locking doors and an engine.
I could have shared this, but instead I ended up responding to butt hurt men who were offended at the principle that maybe there are a few times and places when they should listen rather than talk.
But now I have seen your vital hearsay anecdata, I understand the urgency of your need to have your say. Men have been silenced for too long! </sarcasm>
I'm sorry, but if the OP asks a question on a cycling forum, people are going to reply, and some of the replies are not going to be links to earnest academic studies, but anecdotal. Some of them might even be from men. I just passed on my wife's and daughter's opinions. Is there a problem?