I wanted to join the FNRttC for reasons no better than the fact that Simon and several of the regular participants are posters here who I like and admire. Fast forward to 22 October 2010, and - a nasty crash the previous day having healed up nicely - theclaud was tasked with chaperoning me from Paddington to the start. There may have been a pre-ride sharpener...
To the ride itself. I thought (and still think) there's something rather magical and almost illicit about 80+ riders cruising through the middle of London, changing the road from how it is, to how we'd like it to be, if only for a fleeting moment. What I remember most is laughing like a drain so many times - the camaraderie and the sheer improbability of what we were all doing. Later memories are somewhat blurred by the vast quantity of brown beer consumed at the Waterfront, and it's a testament to how well theclaud has trained her bike that I managed to catch a train home.
Since then, I've participated in the sub-zero Brighton and Southend rides, Wetstable, and went for a slide along the tarmac at Emsworth. I also waved jazz hands on the way to Swansea, shared whisky at sunrise on the beacon, and got more lost than anyone could think to be possible between LMNH and Paddington.
The arrival of our first daughter in 2011, and now our second last November mean that opportunities for joining you are going to be even more limited than previously, but join you I shall.
To the ride itself. I thought (and still think) there's something rather magical and almost illicit about 80+ riders cruising through the middle of London, changing the road from how it is, to how we'd like it to be, if only for a fleeting moment. What I remember most is laughing like a drain so many times - the camaraderie and the sheer improbability of what we were all doing. Later memories are somewhat blurred by the vast quantity of brown beer consumed at the Waterfront, and it's a testament to how well theclaud has trained her bike that I managed to catch a train home.
Since then, I've participated in the sub-zero Brighton and Southend rides, Wetstable, and went for a slide along the tarmac at Emsworth. I also waved jazz hands on the way to Swansea, shared whisky at sunrise on the beacon, and got more lost than anyone could think to be possible between LMNH and Paddington.
The arrival of our first daughter in 2011, and now our second last November mean that opportunities for joining you are going to be even more limited than previously, but join you I shall.