I bought a Cadence meter about 6 months ago, after chatting with my bike fit guy.
I had not read magazines or internet articles, but was curious as an adding to my Garmin.
I have found it a great tool to keep me in the natural zone. Have done the same ride numerous times, with and without watching my cadence and I am faster almost every time I get up to my current natural 83-86 rpm.
At times where I have looked to maybe change down a gear, I have noticed I have dropped cadence somewhat and chose to pedal harder to get my back to my natural rhythm and found it easier to pedal than 10 rpm slower.
I am now more used to it and know the feel of pedalling too slowly and when to push harder and also when to stop gears.
People who only grind the gears, could learn a few things. Often you can go faster for less effort my dropping a gear and spinning more.
Not having an open mind seems to be spreading v just as fast it seems.