Why do people flock to Sportives but not to Audax?

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Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Ok I am new to all of this. I want to set myself a couple of challenges for 2013. What shold I be planning on, in your opinion, and how should I go about it?
You should sign up for your local crit league and thrash yourself to within an inch of your life on a weekly basis, you should also partake in time trials at the weekend and also try to fit a few road races in! As the autumn approaches, get some Hill Climb's done and then take 2 weeks off before beginning your base training for 2014!
Naughty... but funny.


Stop timing them, gives the impression they are "racing" and might [though it's a long shot] stop idiotic behaviour at junctions and lights.

I think we will see a clampdown on timing chips at some time in the near future, from insurance companies stipluating that no timing is allowed in open road sportives. @srw will have a good idea.


Ive always thought the best way to run a sportive would be along the lines of a M/C enduro. Broken up into sections with a time limit, Then one or two timed special tests to decide the outcome.
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