Many winters ago,three lads threw an ice ball not a snowball at our large window,it cracked it, insurance paid for it.But i was out like a greyhound.I chased them and caught them ,the first one was very overweight.Well i gave him both barrels full on,first of all i called him all the names under the sun,told him how fat he was,well i caused such a noise people came out of houses.One bloke younger than me started on me.Well i was up for it by then,someone was going to get it.I have a long burn but then it goes and the head does come off.So right in his face my teeth knashing head rolling side to side just waiting for his move then wham,it would have happened.The weed melted and slunk back to his garden.So by then my tirade against the kid had stopped,i told him not politely to get lost,and don't ever walk down our street.Same thing happened when some lads pulled up our newly planted hedge,i was out gave them a right bollocking.well Mrs P came home she gave me a bollocking for leaving the children alone in the house,she had just finished work.So i was getting told off by my own wife,right i said you are a police officer,and still in uniform,get out there and ask the smallest why he has a knife in his waist band at his back.Out she went caught up with them ,yes he had a kitchen knife,she arrested him,took him to the local nick,and his parents were called.The lads mother wanted me arresting for assault i grabbed the kid by the arm and pulled him off our land.His dad was a lot more sensible,he pointed out the damage and the fact the kid was carrying a knife,he even offered to pay for new hedging,it was ok i just replanted them.