tundragumski said:
My new bike came with a 34/50 compact and after just 1 ride I ordered a 39t chainring to replace the 34. I found that the 34 was useless for everything except riding up very big hills. This meant that I had to cruise along in the 50 which wasn't ideal. Now I can potter along in my 39 ring and change to the 50 downhill or when I feel like getting my head down with a tailwind. I have a 12-27 cassette so the 39:27 lowest gear is still fine for big hills - perhaps in the lake district along hardknot pass or similar it might be a struggle!
My spesh has 53/39 with a 12 - 25 9 speed.
The 53 ring goes to the 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19 & 21, leaving the 39 coupled with the 17, 19, 21, 23 & 25.
53 to 21 is 68 inches... lower than a comfortable cruising gear, so I ride on the 53 ring most of the time. That's what it's there for.