Why aren't toilet bowls coated with teflon?

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Legendary Member
No it is the one where he goes to the posh potential inlaws sit down to dinner with them, goes to the loo, it wont flush, so he throws it out the window, goes back downstairs only to find them all staring out the window at thing that has landed on the patio.

I remember now. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
And when **it hits the fan? Does this mean we should make them out of fans?
We heard you the first time. :smile:

On a similar note though, I once read about Greg Lemond racing with dysentery.

Apparently it ran down his legs and then came into contract with his spokes. :biggrin:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Binding contract!

That is gross
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