We always have this point raised on VED threads (I know you aren't doing this). The taxes on cars are for specific things. This is a tax to discourage (not very much, just a a little) workplace parking. Car drivers have for decades enjoyed free and extremely generous workplace parking. That era is very slowly coming to an end. If you want services then it'd probably cost a lot more.
In this case cars are (quite often) large metal objects that take up a (lot of) space. Space is valuable. Tarmac causes other environmental problems associated with the water table or heating up cities.
I don't see why people complain so much about taxes to do with specific things like VED or workplace parking levy. They are for specific things.
Don't see the tolls thing. I've been to Italy recently and I had no idea that they have so many tolls there. Apparently quite a few motorways seem to charge around 8p per mile. You can just imagine the uproar here if that were the case. It would be revolutionary. Some of their other tolls there make our bridge and London/Durham congestion charge seem provincial.
My tax this year is £76. It goes up £2 per year for a machine capeable of 140-150mph so im not complaining. I just think its wrong that motorists in general have to pay the bulk of the countries taxes which in themselves are ridiculous. If I were a car driver I would be so effin mad even if I could reasonably afford what they charge. The very fact they are charged for where ever they go must do their heads in.
In john o groats it did my head in being charged 20p to take a piss. I could easily afford it but down here in wales our crap houses are free to use whether your scottish or afghanistani! My point being is basic things should be free in a country that has taxes as high as ours. I guess my opinion is considered to be unreasonable, nothing against that aslong as it comes from another british tax payer.