Wow - some fantastic responses so far!
Firstly alcohol - I sound boring but I really don't drink much. But can I assume wine is better than beer? The occasional trip to the pub on a Friday has been known with the good weather.
Secondly - I'm beginning to think I'm eating big portions. I didn't want to go down the 'weighing' route but I might start by being conscious of portion sizes. With cereal I tend to stick to Shreddies, but I prefer to steer away from cereal and go for the dry toast and tomatoes (my current favourite) or porridge (with honey

As most have said I do get very hungry after rides, especially longer ones. What is the best thing to eat after a ride?
I am slightly limited with longer rides because my family come first. I have 3.5 year old twin boys who take up a LOT of time at weekends so early mornings and evenings are my only option, but it's unfair on my wife to expect her to do all the housework when the kids are in bed - she deserves some time as well!
Anyhow, lots of stuff here. I'll crack on and try to stay motivated.