We have a system locally called "Arbeit Statt Strafe" ("Work instead of punishment") which is being extended as it is cheaper and more effective than dumping young people with psychological issues in prison. A few of our long term clients came to us through that and stayed on another programme afterwards to try and get qualifications and training.
One issue some had was that in German there's a formal and informal form of "You": "Du" is for friends and "Sie" is for formal situations and people you don't know. Some of our clients asked one of our staff why we insisted on using the "Sie" form between staff and clients, and the staffer surprised him by saying "Because you are worth the respect."
I quite like that it's often forgotten that to get respect you need to show it. Positive disregarded go's along way too.
One of the biggest points of contention here is the should it be YOT or YJS (offender or justice) We have a few early intervention programs which are really helping cut off the flow offenders. But it's still not enough sometimes one thing the last coalition government did was change the Youth Justice act. Once you got past out of court stuff. It was like a ladder no lower none custody punishments allowed twice so you could soon end up lock up. Now you can have more than one referral order for example running at once. It came with a sting though every YP that get's locked up the cost comes out the YOT budget. It's lead to some interesting talks between managers when they live in one place but ended up having just moved to another and committed the crime on your patch.