Religion is just a way for humans to avoid saying those horrible words: "I don't know". For some reason we feel we have to know everything and if there is something we don't know, we invent an aspect of religion to explain it. This has been going on for time immemorable.
Primitive Farmer 1: Hey why are the crops doing better?
PF 2: I think it's something to do with this period of time we're in when it's warmer than that other period of time. I think it's got something to do with that big yellow thing.
PF1: Well obviously we don't want that big yellow thing to go away, better worship it.
And there is the beginnings of the Sun God. Move forward several thousand years and just phenomenom that needs explaining has changed.
Is that especially silly? It's just a way of acknowledging the sun's importance to life, isn't it? Which is pretty much what srw was saying.