Changed his name by deed poll in December 1953 from Tom Lewis. In the notice in the London Gazette it says he was a 'citizen of the United Kingdom'
I, DON LOUIS (Cycle Manufacturer) of 80, Loughiborough Park, Brixton, London, S.W.9, a citizen- of the United Kingdom and Colonies -by toirth heretofore called and known by the name of Tom Lewis hereby given notice that I have renounced and abandoned the names of Tom Lew-is and that I have assumed and intend henceforth on all occasions whatsoever and at all times to sign and use and to be called and known by .the name of Don Louis in lieu of and in substitution for my former names of Tom Lewis. And I also hereby give notice that such change of name is formally declared and evidenced by a Deed Poll under my hand and seal dated the 2nd day of December, 1953, and duly executed and attested, and .that such Deed (Poll was enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature on the 7th day of December, 1953.—Dated this 7th day of December, 1953. (252) DON LOUIS, formerly Tom Lewis