Who needs lotsa gears.

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I have just been contacted by a chap I sold a Claude Butler too. It was in good condition, then I fully serviced it and it rode well.

He was a nice chap and we left on good terms. I never expected him to get back in touch and say he had ridden it to Vienna. :eek:

It nice when the buyer keeps in touch, I very reluctantly sold my 1963 CB a few years ago and out of blue I got an email with photos from the girl who bought it, reassuring me how much she was enjoying it and looking after it.



That head tube is long, what size frame is it ?

I think it was 22' . I have long legs but could only just ride it when testing it out.


According to Google that's four and a half days 2148km, 3% cycle lanes and very steep hills.
Are you sure there isn't a suburb called Vienna in Birmingham?

Yes, I have just come back from driving to Bohemia and its a long way with a lot of hills once your past Dortmund area. In his message he mentioned 2000 klms. I am very impressed and glad i found a photo of the bike as it was annoying not being able to recall it.
The few gears were as several of you have correctly guessed, very nicely spaced.


Legendary Member
When I first switched from fellwalking to cycle touring I used an old 12sp Raleigh Record 'racer' which went from 47" to 93", but I didn't take it as far as Vienna.

(Compare that with my Horizon which was 25" to 118" as sold, and 17.5" to 108" now.)
That head tube is long, what size frame is it ?

25", the same as mine, by the look of it.
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