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Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Is the answer the same person that cared?

I find it all rather nonplussing, like life generally :smile:


Devotee of OCD
Strava is very easy to fake data on, you don't need a "mule" to do the actual activity

Always shows 0 for elevation change though. So easy to spot…..


Legendary Member
Always shows 0 for elevation change though. So easy to spot…..

You can get around that. You create a route in Strava, export the gpx file, then use another website to create a tcx file that has all the data in it and you upload that back to Strava.

I found it when I was looking at getting county boundaries as a route into Strava so I could work out what veloviewer squares I needed to complete a county.
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