Uncle Mort said:
Whenever I hear Eddie the Eagle it makes me laugh (BTW this is completely OT)
When me and my friends were about 15 there was a group of us being little idiots in Dunfermline high street on a Friday evening. We were generally giving people grief and looking for trouble (I know, I know
) Anyway these 2 old (to us) guys go past and we give them a bit of hassle as one of them had cowboy boots on. Little did we realise that he had a huge reputation for being a nutter. So, he comes across (not looking happy) and one of my friends (the biggest) one keeps up the hard act, the rest of us already sense the coming doom. The guy says to my friend something like "you're quite a pretty boy, would you still be acting so hard if I took you down that alleyway and shagged you?" This was of course one of the funniest retorts I'd ever heard in fight stand off. So there's me laughing like an idiot, when the guy turned to me and said "what the f*uck are you laughing at Eddie the Eagle, your next" (I wear glasses) I promptly stopped laughing.
Sorry for diverting. It made me smile typing the story though!