Who are these people?

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Über Member
There will be a number of people who will become well known in the circles of tv, art, music, social media, sports, politics, film, gaming to name a few.
If you are not familiar or take no interest in some of those areas then you will be unfamiliar with the people in question.

You could just be dismissive of people in areas you have no interest. or you could simply understand that just because it is of no interest to you, it might be to other people.

There will also be many who simply cannot understand why anyone has an interst in XYZ. They will dismiss then as maybe just a celebrity or has no talent. But again, it may be of interest to other people. Funnily enough, it’s very very hard to be famous for no reason. Even influencers put a huge amount of effort and skill to get to where they are.
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Leg End Member
I don't know who anyone is anymore, a sure sign of getting old. :okay:
Just remember there's you, yerssen an yourself and you'll do fine.


Über Member
In the old days you had to have achieved or done something to be a sleb.

Today you just need to be on pooptube or have a bum lift and you're a sleb.

There’s hundreds of millions on YouTube and millions who have had plastic surgery. Those who rise above the 99.99 % put in lots of time, effort and skill to get there.
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