I won't cycle on the pavement because...
I don't feel the need to - Road cycling does have it's risks, but those risks can be mitigated with good road craft and good judgement.
I don't believe pavement cycling IS entirely safe.
Read some of the threads in the Commuting section and you'll see how unpredictable peds can be, and where peds share space with cycles, there is always a potential for a collision. You may well ride the same stretch of pavements a thousand times without incident, but that potential will always be present and IMO it's not worth the risk.
You may be competent enough to cycle along a pavement without incident, and curteous enough to give way to pedestrians, but unfortuntely there are too many cyclists who are not as courteous as you might be. I regularly see teenage Joes on BSOs riding aggressively along pavements, at inappropriate speeds, forcing pedestrians to yield, and woe betide anyone who gets in their way. Now I'm not suggesting for one minute that any CC'ers fall into this category, but if we cycle on pavements then we encourge other, less courteous cyclists to do the same.
There is a powerful motorists lobby in Britain that seeems to be doing it's damnest to force cyclists off the roads. If we condone pavement cycling then aren't we giving them further ammunition?
I'm a little surprised that so many on here won't agree, but that's their prerogative and maybe I'm a little old fashioned. I learned to ride in an era when police would take a sterner view of pavement cyclists and I see no reason to start now. You do your thing and I'll do mine.
Fair weather to you all.