Paulus is quite right, it's a question of definition. I wonder (and the idea really has just wandered into my brain, so I'm probably wrong) if 'white working class' Britain these days actually means "that section of society who can't bear immigration and blame all their woes on it" rather than a whole economic group. As if perhaps, if you are a happy integrated person with lots of multicultural friends, you are elevated into another class? I mean this BBC season that is coming up seems from the trailers to be focussing on that sort of person... I dunno if I've expressed that very well...
Anyway, the 'white' thing is ridiculous. There are plenty of 2nd, third or more generation people living here who have dark skins, and most of the current immigration is by white people from across Europe. I'd be interested to know how British black and Asian people react to the new European immigrants.
Always bearing in mind of course, that there wouldn't be British people without immigrants, if you go back to the last ice age, and at ever point in history since...
I think there is a class of people who like to moan, who hate change and who want stuff handed to them on a plate, given half a chance. I think that is the group referred to in the terms of this TV season - although of course that description could equally apply to some people of any race...