Thread hijack (but related).
Lots of measurement advice here so hoping a few metrology experts too.
What handheld device is recommended as a very quick check on diameter of fibres. Not bike related but I'm sure someone knows a good option. We're talking fine fibres (think hair diameter / hairline fibres). It's a robust device and not to expensive I'm looking for. I've used micrometers and calipers but the heads don't exactly make it easy. I'm guessing a wide head would help. Something as easy as grip a handle to open, release to clamp the fibre and an easy reading of the measurements. It's not going to be accurate, doesn't need to be. A few microns either side and who cares. Besides optical microscopy is available for accuracy and records. This is just a shopfloor device hence robust and simple (potentiality just like the operator)
It depends what you want to do. For classification purposes you could create a tool with a series of holes of decreasing size, and group the fibres by the smallest hole through which they can fit.
It may be relatively expensive to make, but should last if the fibres are not abrasive.
Hope this helps.
Edited to add, as this is now way off topic, it may be worth creating a new thread.
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