GPS data on a mobile phone can be inacurate over short distances. The way the software works is by reading GPS coordinates at set intervals sometimes as far apart as 5 seconds (to preserve battery) and estimating the speed and distance between several readouts by various formulas. The difference could come from corners when a datapoint comes from on direction of travel and the following point is in a different direction. The GPS doesn't know when you turned, at which speed, radius or weather you cut the corner or not, so it will make a calculated guess. GPS accurancy on a mobile phone in itself is pretty low, peraps 10m but sometime depending on the position of the phone on the pocket or backpack, obstacles such as tall buildings or trees could be 50m or more.
More data points (longer distances) will provide more accurate results.
If accuracy as well as data logging and mapping are important and you own an iPhone 4S or 5, you can try the Wahoo Fitness Cycling Speed and Candence sensor which will add more data to the algorithm and get you those precise numbers. If you are really geeky, you can even get the heart rate monitor sensor to track your fitness levels with every ride too.