Which cycling/outdoor pursuits magazines do you Read?

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Über Member
I do quite a bit of reading (I'm a publication gravure printer so it goes with the job) I was wondering which cycling/outdoor pursuits magazine you guys read?

The only one I have come across so far is outdoor fitness which i must say seems quite good.

I mainly cycle but have also started to do a bit of running.

I am sure there are loads about but would be interested to hear what others on here read and why?


Well-Known Member
I've been buying Outdoor Fitness recently, really enjoy it. It makes a nice change from cycle only mags which I find are getting a bit boring, same old thing each month. Have bought Cycling Plus almost since the beginning and more recently Cycling Active, but can't afford them all.


Cycling weekly er.........weekly.
Cycling active every month.

Cycling plus every now and again.

But as falwheeler said they can get a bit boring and often things are roughly duplicated between them.But they are still a good read.
I buy cycling active every now and again if there's something of interest to me in it
Sucker for mags subscribe to Computer Active, Focus, Writers forum, Country Walking, Bird Watching(for SWMBO) Have subsribed to both Cycling monthlys and have just re-subscribed to Computer active to get that fancy jacket. Also get the Caravan club mag, Walk from the RA, Strider from the LDWA and used to get Trail before Arther Ritus came to stay in my knee occasionaly I will get other computer mags, if there is something in them I want to see. Hate to see people reading all the way through mags in Smiths and then returning them to the shelves, always feel I should kick their heels,


North Shields
Used to have a subscription to cycle active but let it lapse last year. Are any of the cycle mags doing any introductory offers at present?

I believe you get a long sleeved jacket if you subscribe to Cycling Plus. They usually have an offer around Christmas, and if you change the name on your subscription you can benefit every year. Not that I condone that sort of thing.

I buy Cycling Plus and Weekly. Both good, though Plus tends to focus on the higher end of the market. Having said that, they've had more 'budget' bikes in the last few months so maybe they are responding to criticism.
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