Which Cycle Computer...

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New Member
Hi all,

I am looking at getting myself a decent, good value cycle computer.

I don't need it to be all singing and dancing but be reliable, easy to setup and do the basics.

Ideally, I don't want to spend anymore than £50 on one.

If I can get one that also does heart rate, that would be a bonus.

Any recommendations ?


Swinglish Mountain Goat
Cateye Strada Wireless it a very good computer:


I use it on all my bikes (2nd bike kits can be bought, though these are pricey) and it's been very reliable in all conditions. No hear rate monitor though!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
^^^^ Wot he said.

If you want to swap it between bikes, you may as well buy two of them rather than get the "second bike kit". The price difference is about six or seven quid and it saves you having to re-enter the wheel circumference.

I've used them for two years and only once had a spurious maximum reading of something like 70 kph.....not spurious for some hereabouts, but it certainly was for me!

Shop around on the internet. Prices used to vary widely.


Über Member
I've just bought the Cateye Strada Cadence... £35, wired, and measures speed from the back wheel so you can use it on a turbo trainer if you like. I haven't yet tried it out, as I'm waiting for my new bike to arrive, for which it's intended. No HRM, but I've got a separate one so I wasnt fussed!


Growing older but not up...
Both my bikes have £5 wired Aldi computers and they've been fine. I was thinking of going wireless but a bit of research turned up a lot of unhappy reviews - so I reckon I'll save my money and stick with what I have.


And just to throw a spanner in the works... I recommend the VDO XDW series. I have the X1DW and it's failed me once (though in retrospect, I probably shouldn't have let the wireless sensor get so close to the magnet that it clipped it and got caught in the wheel). They've plenty of functions, and all have cadence monitors. The A8+ is definitely worth a look as well.

The only use I can see for the X3DW is if you're training and wanting to time yourself. The X2DW has no reason for existing :tongue:

I should probably add, I bought mine in a clearance sale for £20, so I'd call that good value. I wouldn't pay much more than £40 for any bike computer though :smile:


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
another big plus for the VDO range, I've three of them ( two on bikes one spare) and haven't had a failure yet in three years


New Member
Thanks for the replies guys. It seems everyone has recommended a different computer !!!

The Cateye ones seem popular and I was looking at them but they seem to have a wide variety of wireless ones. I even noticed they have a double wireless - whatever that means !

I haven't checked the prices of th ones recommended yet, can they all be had for under £50 ?
I purchased the Boardman wireless one from Halfords. It is £50 but I got it half price as I purchased a turbo trainer at the same time.
Worth a thought if you want to buy something else at the same time, it could be a way of saving a bit of cash. (if they are still doing the buy 1 get 1 half price deal that is!)

The computer is excellent, had some good reviews. No complaints


Well-Known Member
I'd rcommend the Cateye strada wireless too. I have one, and the one issue with it was that it kept popping off my bike and bouncing along the road when i pressed the button.......then i realised i hadn't pushed it onto the bracket properly.....:blush: So if you get one, make sure you mount it properly.......
Hi I have the Cateye strada but with no cadence but served me well on both my bikes cant remember how much I paid but it was between £25 to £30.Depends on what you want it too do.PS this one is wired computer
Another vote for the Cateye Strada Wireless - mine has performed faultlessly for 2 1/2 years. The only thing you have to watch is that if you lean on it (as in lazily pushing up a hill with forearms on bars), it resets to zero! The second trip is a godsend - its nots affected.

I also have a VDO wireless which has been ok and an older Specialized one which has also been great (about 6 years old now, 10k miles). Avoid Sigma at all costs - had one (a C+ 10/10 at the time) - complete rubbish, died within weeks, ditto replacement, money back. They may be better now ...


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
I'm currently using the aldi cycle computer and i'm honestly quite impressed.
granted its wired, and at first i had an issue with the sensor picking up, but once its in the right spot its actually pretty accurate.
i'll prolly upgrade to the strada wireless when i've got some free money floating around (like never) but for now this is doing its job nicely.
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