Where is "best" showroom within 20 mile radius of Warrington?

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Legendary Member
I should have said "showrooms" (plural) but can't find how to change thread title.

Looking for a good hybrid-my LBS (who are very helpful) only had 2 makes (Giant & GT) that I could actually sit on. The nearest 'national chain' had Scott & Cannondale........neither of which excited me much. Then there is Halfords but I'm not inclined to buy from them.
I am going to Wynstanley's @ Wigan on Friday but they tell me that although they stock 1000's of bikes they are mainly in a warehouse-not put together so I'm not optomistic.
Any advice appreciated-thanks.
Evans @ The Chill Factor-e has just been extended and is now, I am told, their biggest store.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Winstanleys have earned themselves a bit of a reputation for not actually holding much of the stock they are claiming to sell and there have been a few cases of people paying for goods that never materialise then having to jump through hoops to get a refund (I speak from personal experience here!)

Just be careful.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Formby cycles is pretty big.

The web site makes it look big. Hmmmm might have to go for a shufty.


Legendary Member
Cyclehouse at the back of the stadium.

EDIT: Warrington stadium that is!
Thanks-they are the "national chain" I refered to (think they're national??)
They had Scott & Cannondale........neither of which excited me much-but TBH the guy didn't even offer to get one of them off the rack so I didn't even get to touch them-so I'm going purely off appearance.


New Member
Quinns Cycle Centre on Edge Lane in Liverpool about a mile off the end of the M62...............great bunch of lads and bought both my Treks off them, the 2nd one only today............:boxing:
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