Where can the "more mature" cyclist ride in company?

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I've been off the bike for over a year, got an injury called plantar fasciatiis (policeman's heel) about 15 months ago and it's taken forever to heal. I really didn't feel like risking the road so went down to the Sharpness canal with SWMBO (Who also hasn't been out for a year but does do the gym twice a week and is disgustingly fit) and rode along the nice safe BWW tow path.

Really glad we went. 15 miles of great cycling, and the whole way full of walkers, boaters, fishermen and bike riders. It really felt good to be alive. Ended up with a slightly sore b*m and blisters on the heels of both hands, but no real discomfort at all. Going to do it again soon.

I am not sure where my distrust of road biking has come from, but now in my mid 60s I seem to be less confident than I was mixing with traffic in the rural bit of Worcestershire I live in.

I am tempted by the idea of safety in numbers. I suppose there must be clubs for folk like me who find 20-30 miles in a day fine and would like to cycle in company, but the CTC seems to be falling apart and local groups I see out are always going like the clappers and look 30 year younger.

Where do us fit over 50s (OK then, over 60s) go to find some good cycling in company? All ideas gratefully received.
My first though would have been CTC, they actually have a quite good membership up here and seem to be organised. The local cycling campaign up here also run some rides about that length, its a good banter and despite it being ran by a campaign, campaigning is actually ever mentioned :-)
Contact your local clubs, the age range on our club runs is 14 to 78 with at least a dozen over 60 every week. There are also a couple of informal mid week rides (usually involving a pub stop) which aren't advertised except by word of mouth.
Maybe there's something similar near you?


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
You want to come along to one of the Cycle Chat meets. No one gets left behind and there is always a pub involved :cheers:


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
Plantar Fasciitis! yeah painfull condition, my hate was first thing in the morning when you put your bloody foot down when getting out of bed. missus said i walked like john wayne for the first half hour of getting up.
took ages to heal.
The Worcester and Malvern CTC seem to have a quite active rides calendar and CTC rides are not all fast rides IME.

They say on the W&M CTC FAQ:

"Our rides go to the pace of the slowest rider so we won't leave you in the middle of nowhere and if the hills are too steep feel free to get off and walk, you will probably find others will join you."

Phone up some of the ride leaders on the events list and ask their advice on which ones would be more suitable for you. The shorter daytime ones seem to have a more mature ridership, it being mostly retired people with the time to ride during the day.


You're not wrong, it is still not right after 15 months! I spent 33 years wearing boots in the army without a twinge, too!

Plantar Fasciitis! yeah painfull condition, my hate was first thing in the morning when you put your bloody foot down when getting out of bed. missus said i walked like john wayne for the first half hour of getting up.
took ages to heal.


Über Member
Porteous - you're not that far from national route 5. I pick up some of that in my usual circuits on the Bromsgrove side (and over to Stratford as well). The roads are very quiet and drivers are almost always very considerate.

Evil Rabbit

New Member
Organise one yourself - it is easy.

Hit all the forums with a date and location and see how many come - I think you be surprised to find out it is quite a few. Certainly enough to make it a good social event.

Deleted member 1258

I am not sure where my distrust of road biking has come from, but now in my mid 60s I seem to be less confident than I was mixing with traffic in the rural bit of Worcestershire I live in.

I suspect its an age thing, I'm 60 this year and definitely a bit less confident than I was 20 years ago, I always thought the experience gained knocking out about 5000 miles a year for years would make me more confident but it seems to be going the other way.
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