Where can i get a CC jersey?

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Its ok to do this :hungry: shaun but you need to do more of this :bicycle: particularly if you job involves sitting down.

I run my own computer business so spend a lot of my time sat down in front of computers so now I am trying to get out on my bike at least 4 times a week. Doesn't always work out but I am trying, as a result I am a lot fitter than I was 8 years ago when I was sitting on my arse and smoking 20 - 30 fags a day :ohmy:

After all you don't want to do and colinj do you, no offence to colinj
Ha - I was just thinking "too right" and then I came to the final paragraph! :hello:

Seriously - you do not want to end up like me (or worse), and it is scary how easily it happens! :ohmy:

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I was driving my oldest son to a hospital appointment last Friday (burnt hand, it's a long story!) when he shouted "Dad, the guy cycling the other way had a CC shirt on like yours". I didn't see it (motorists don't see cyclists, obviously!) but he was adamant it was a CC shirt so if you were riding past Asda/Dales in the Longsight area at about 11am last Friday you were well and truly spotted :hello:


I was driving my oldest son to a hospital appointment last Friday (burnt hand, it's a long story!) when he shouted "Dad, the guy cycling the other way had a CC shirt on like yours". I didn't see it (motorists don't see cyclists, obviously!) but he was adamant it was a CC shirt so if you were riding past Asda/Dales in the Longsight area at about 11am last Friday you were well and truly spotted :hello:

Must have been the CC KoM winner ... :whistle:

[ ... spotted ... :rolleyes:]


Grimpeur des terrains plats
I'd post a picture of mine, but it currectly reads ... CCCccccyyyyccclllleeeeeCCChhhhaaaaaattttt across the front ... :laugh:

Once I'm cured of my cookie / dessert addiction I'll take another photo ... :whistle:

The 'past' always haunts us.....

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