Where are all the clamp on chain catchers

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Legendary Member
Not to sure?
What you need is one of these - http://n-gear.com/whatis.html


Legendary Member
Not to sure?
What is so wrong about the dog fang type?

They are okay and better than having nothing at all. I have them on two of my bikes, but they are not 100% fool proof as I've discovered on more than one occasion. On the other hand, the N-gear by nature of its design is pretty much perfect, never had any issues with the bike that has it fitted or should I say had. It was on a bike that had a triple chain set and the dam thing was very prone to chucking the chain off when dropping down to the inner most ring.
Did you see my home made one on the forum posted yesterday under What have you fettled with today ? Made from a cycle light clamp.It works and cost me nothing. Just a thought.
Homemade chain catcher.jpg
Or just fit a another smaller chainring on the inside of your chainset - it'll catch the chain AND give you a whole nother set of gears! I think I might patent this idea and call it something catchy like 'Grandad Ring' or summat.


Or just fit a another smaller chainring on the inside of your chainset - it'll catch the chain AND give you a whole nother set of gears! I think I might patent this idea and call it something catchy like 'Grandad Ring' or summat.

I'm in, here's £25000 for 25% of the business...
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