When will the bike shortage in the UK end ?

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Interesting ... A quick search does reveal that there is indeed an energy crisis/shortage/problem/thing in China. But the root cause seems not to be enthusiastic compliance with emissions targets. It looks to be a lot more complicated than that.

They also have big problems turning their citizens into consumers. China is trying to reset itself, even if that means shutting down large companies by order of the state. More here https://www.businessinsider.com/chi...debt-american-world-fallout-2021-10?r=US&IR=T
Interesting ... A quick search does reveal that there is indeed an energy crisis/shortage/problem/thing in China. But the root cause seems not to be enthusiastic compliance with emissions targets. It looks to be a lot more complicated than that.
I will read when more time but must say the intentional crippling of their power by the chinese authorities' keeness to follow international norms/pressure does surprise me to say the least. I wouldn't trust the Chinese Government an inch - they've managed to combine the worst aspects of capitalism and state controlled authoritarian communism in one heady cocktail.


back and brave
I read an article in our local paper that said bike stores here are quoting 2024 lead times - so it's not just the UK.

Might be an ideal time to sell a couple of my bikes.
Can we keep this about bike shortages, and leave politics out of it?
After recommendations (on this thread I think) I managed to get a 9 speed decathlon (ie not shimano branded) 11-32 cassette by wandering into a northern branch. Was really after an 11-34 but it will keep the Hewitt running, if with more puff/vein busting up northern hills.
Less luck with Hollowtech 2 external bearings - a nice chap from the workshop found a greasy set but they were XT and though he had innocently told me they would be £25 it turned out they were more like 30 (!) so I left them at the till.
Oh how I wish Mr Hewitt had asked me if maybe perhaps square taper might be a good idea for the bike.

edit - I do think musings about what might be the causes of this mess relevant - for it might give a clue as to when the situation might be resolved and we can keep our bikes running.


back and brave
Tell them to forget it 3years wait is ridiculous.

I reread the article, it was a worst case scenario on electric bikes. Non-electric, they're hoping for mid or late next year.

Biker man

Senior Member
I found that to be true earlier in the year. I was lucky and found the bike I wanted, in the size I wanted :smile:
They do still seem to have a decent stock but not always in your size or, for that matter, what you want. But it shows it`s not all doom and gloom :smile:
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