adds21 said:
I don't understand these posts I see about bad drivers. Maybe it's the area I live, but I've been cycling for 6 months now, done over 1,500 miles, and I've never had a problem with a car driver. About half of that 1,500 miles has been commuting in and out of Bristol at rush hour, so it's not as if I spend my time pottering along country lanes (although, I would given the chance!).
I routinely get close passes (closer than the image of rule 163). I get about 1 or 2 a day that make me wince.
I've been yelled at (probably about three or four times a year).
I get beeped probably once or twice a month (usually going over roundabouts without cowering over on the left, and occasionally while passing parked vehicles wider than the following vehicle would like).
I get people that simply aren't paying attention at least once or twice every day, every so often one makes me brake. I've been hit twice in three years, once by a bus, once by a car - both caused by driver impatience.
I've had one serious incident (about a year ago, I said "Thank you" to someone who didn't pull out from a side road - he thought I'd said "f* you", chased me, and got out of his car threatening to hit me. I don't thank people at side roads any more.
It's not *terrible*, but you cycle in places like France and Belgium, and quickly realise that its not great either. The enormous irony of all this indifference, impatience and hostility in most places is that it gets the drivers nowhere at all. They arrive at the next queue of traffic slightly ahead of you. They get to the shopping centre before you, and then spend ten minutes trying to find a place to park.