When off the peg new bikes start costing more than some new cars - !

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Has anyone mentioned the ‘bike as art’ argument yet?

From time to time I will sit in my garage, surrounded by my bikes, crack open a beer, turn the radio on and just enjoy looking at them.

That may not be ‘normal’, but I’d bet there’s plenty of people who do the same sort of thing, but substitute paintings / model railway / stamp collection etc. etc. for bikes.

And as a bonus I get to ride my ‘art’^_^


Cripes. If he still does this I'd be tempted to use the info to slyly attach stringed price tags to his sleeves, collars etc.i think you are right with your self esteem issues analysis.

Have you thought those issues may not be his fault, there are many mental problems out there.


An Peanut
Mm - i think maybe you missed the bit where he appeared to have the need to tell folk how much these nice things cost. That sort of thing is considered dodgy for all sorts of reasons by a lot of folk, including a lot of brits.

I prefer not to judge people quite so quickly .


Ultimately, if someone has the money to comfortably afford something, and that something is going to give them sufficient pleasure that they'd rather have the something than the money - of course they should buy it. That's the way our capitalist economy works, and it applies as much to the sausages I bought yesterday as to the supercars bought by millionaires.

I'd much rather have sausages than a supercar. I know this adds nothing to the conversation, but it is a statement of fact.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I'd much rather have sausages than a supercar

Mmmmm, sausages! :hungry:


Über Member
Cripes. If he still does this I'd be tempted to use the info to slyly attach stringed price tags to his sleeves, collars etc.i think you are right with your self esteem issues analysis.
There is no other reason for overtly trying to make himself seem better than others than self esteem issues. However he had a stable upbringing in a well off family, wasnt bullied, wasnt pulled down by anyone, so I cant understand why he is like it. Also has a really well paid stable job..on 6 figures.another example we were freewheeling downhill last week and i overtook him.. at the end we stopped and i said that was fast etc, first thing he said was "yeah..my bike is faster than yours, tho yours is fast"...farks sake!!
I prefer not to judge people quite so quickly .

On the contrary, I need to judge people pretty quickly. Not because I want to, but more of protecting myself from harm, annoyance or time wasting. If all I got to go on is their appearance, or a post or 2 on a forum then so be it. But such judgements are not set in stone tho.

One example is when we had a new manager at work. She was a bimbo and I assumed she was gonna be a great big nuisance. Turned out she was alrite.
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