When is too early to post a thread about Christmas etiquette?!?

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Etiquette is delicious at all times of year, not just Christmas. I recommend to brown a pair of etiquettes on all sides in hot olive oil, then pot roast with chicken stock, Marsala wine and a few veggies. Yum.

Are you getting confused with epaulettes?
Well I think there is no date at which it is appropriate to post a thread about Xmas etiquette, as it is, in my view, a nonsensical subject.
However, I do understand that, culturally speaking, some may find such a thread useful or even necessary, if they want to 'fit in' with those around them.
So, to answer your Q, if push comes to shove, and balancing the weight of Father Christmas against that of Jultomte, I'd say 23rd December, or a day ot two earlier if that date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, or if you work awkward shifts.

Thankyou. A most eloquent and convincing pair of posts.
So, we have a decision:


Thanks for your cooperation. See you on another thread,
M x

or a day ot two earlier if that date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, or if you work awkward shifts.

All uphill

Still rolling along
We discussed yuletide plans today and agreed no cards, no presents and no TV just like last year, and many years before that.

For a bit of variety I'll be cooking sweet and sour chicken and pineapple this year.
Well, we are having our Christmas family gathering this coming weekend. Food, presents, decorations and possibly some alcoholic refreshment.

In my defence (if there can be one) number two daughter and her crew are off to Bonaire in early December, where they will stay until March, as they teach windsurfing. This means if we want to see everyone together, and allow the grandchildren the opportunity to join together in wrecking the house, now is the time.

I'm sure this will have me blackballed from the cc group chat, but as my pal would say, "soz!"
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